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Calling All Bar Professionals

Maritime Union

Hiring Now: Bar Staff for Upscale Cruise Ships

Calling All Bar Professionals

Experience Required

We are seeking experienced bartenders with a minimum of 3 years of experience working in a hotel bar, club, or upscale establishment.

Documents and Requirements

Applicants must possess a valid passport with a minimum of 6 months validity and be eligible for a general flag state or flag state.

Experience on Cruise Ships

Prior experience working in a 4-5-star hotel or upscale cruise ship is essential.

Contract Length and Benefits

Most entry-level positions offer contracts ranging from 4-6 months, while some senior positions may have 7-month contracts. All employees receive free food and accommodation on board.

Starbucks Partners

Baristas serve and recommend high-quality Starbucks products, as per our "We Proudly Serve" or "Starbucks-licensed" partnership.

