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Calling A Princess Cruise Ship

Do Cell Phones Work on Cruise Ships?

Yes, But Depending On Your Service Provider...

It's a common question with varying answers. The short answer is yes, cell phones do work on cruise ships. However, there are some important things to keep in mind.

Coverage and Connectivity

The coverage and connectivity of your cell phone on a cruise ship will depend on your service provider. Some providers have agreements with cruise lines to provide service, while others do not. If your provider does not have an agreement with the cruise line, you may not be able to use your cell phone at all, or you may only be able to use it in certain areas of the ship.

Using Your Own Cell Phone

If you want to use your own cell phone on a cruise ship, you will need to contact your service provider to find out if they have an agreement with the cruise line. If they do, you will likely need to purchase a special cruise ship calling plan. These plans can be expensive, so it's important to compare prices before you make a decision.

Using the Ship's Phone

If you don't want to use your own cell phone, you can use the ship's phone. However, the prices for using the ship's phone are typically very high. You can expect to pay $1-2 per minute for calls, and even more for text messages and data.

Other Options

There are other options for staying connected on a cruise ship. You can use the ship's Wi-Fi, which is usually available for a fee. You can also purchase a satellite phone, which will allow you to make calls and send text messages even when you are out of range of a cell tower.


So, do cell phones work on cruise ships? The answer is yes, but it depends on your service provider and the type of plan you purchase. If you want to use your own cell phone, be sure to check with your service provider to see if they have an agreement with the cruise line. If they don't, you can use the ship's phone or purchase a satellite phone.
