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Background And Significance

Juneteenth: New York State Capitol to Fly Black Liberation Flag

Background and Significance

The Black Liberation Flag, a symbol of freedom, liberation, and the fight against oppression, will be flown over the New York State Capitol on Sunday, June 19th, and Monday, June 20th, the observed holiday. This momentous occasion marks the second year since Juneteenth was established as a federal holiday in the United States.

National Recognition and State Funding

Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. Despite its federal recognition, only 26 states have allocated funding to allow state employees to observe the holiday. New York is not among those states, but the flying of the Black Liberation Flag is a symbolic gesture of solidarity and a reminder of the unfinished work in the fight for racial justice.

Uniting for Truth and Reconciliation

On Juneteenth, people across the nation of all races, nationalities, and religions come together to acknowledge the lasting legacy of slavery and its impact on American society. It is a day for reflection, education, and a renewed commitment to building a more just and equitable world.

Comprehensive List of New York Holidays in 2022

For a comprehensive list of National and Regional Public Holidays celebrated in New York during 2022, please refer to our website for dates and additional information.
